suggest that they do more outside

(A) can increase the weight of the site. In fact, says can enhance website keyword ranking is a bit rubbish, because spiders can crawl plain text outside the chain will be able to give the weight, with the weight after the site's ranking can not upgrade it how? . Haha, so here small or suggest that they do more outside the chain of plain text to enhance the core keywords of the website, as to those long tail keywords that we do in fact better anchor text effect Oh. (B) can improve the ranking of keywords. In the figure above, we can see that Baidu webmaster forum moderators said plain text outside the chain can be crawled by the spiders, then it confirmed the spider through this link to enter our website, as long as the spiders enter there will be a certain weight inflow Oh, so that absolutely can increase the weight of our website. And we frequently observed some websites, you will find a lot of cattle station them outside the chain outside the chain of the anchor text is not to say that many, most of them are in fact plain text Oh. After confirmed, small to say nonsense, here specifically the role of plain text outside the chain.